Celebrating Salon Kewpie
In celebration of the Salon Sequins exhibition opening, we’re launching our Salon Kewpie tote bag @_akjpstudio this Thursday (18 July) from 4-6pm. Come order a cocktail and snatch a limited edition tote. 🍧👜🦭
Salon Kewpie celebrates District Six for its unique spirit of place. Long since scattered, this was a society that valued diversity and had a thriving and beloved gay and queer community in spite of prevailing governmental oppression. Our graphics draw from a rich historical archive that captures this lesser-known aspect of our local history through the life of Kewpie—a celebrated hairdresser, onstage performer and iconic queer figure from the Apartheid era, who has come to be known as the _Daughter of District Six_.
This tote honours our South African Queer Ancestry and the insistence Kewpie and her community displayed in the acceptance, nurture, and celebration of diverse gender expression.
By purchasing SK merch, you directly support our aims: to foster critical engagement with the lessons that Kewpie’s archive and the memory of District Six have to teach us.
Thank you for being a part of the project 🎀🫂🎀
#SalonKewpie #SalonSequins
Salon Kewpie celebrates District Six for its unique spirit of place. Long since scattered, this was a society that valued diversity and had a thriving and beloved gay and queer community in spite of prevailing governmental oppression. Our graphics draw from a rich historical archive that captures this lesser-known aspect of our local history through the life of Kewpie—a celebrated hairdresser, onstage performer and iconic queer figure from the Apartheid era, who has come to be known as the _Daughter of District Six_.
This tote honours our South African Queer Ancestry and the insistence Kewpie and her community displayed in the acceptance, nurture, and celebration of diverse gender expression.
By purchasing SK merch, you directly support our aims: to foster critical engagement with the lessons that Kewpie’s archive and the memory of District Six have to teach us.
Thank you for being a part of the project 🎀🫂🎀
#SalonKewpie #SalonSequins